Back Pain Issues—Is Your Mattress to Blame?

And the survey says: yes. To get more specific, a survey of orthopedic surgeons!

In another survey that looked at sleep quality in people with lower back pain, 95% of professionals said that mattresses play a part in the management of lower back pain, with 76% recommending a firm mattress.

But as someone with back pain and a suspect mattress, how do you make sure that your mattress really is to blame before you throw it away?

Let’s get into the details!

Making the Right Choice for Your Back

First, try to establish when the pain starts. Is it there when you wake up? Does it go away when you stretch after an hour or so?

Also, think about how old your mattress is. Is it as old as you are? Or is it shy of a decade? If you answer yes to any of the above, your mattress needs to be tossed out!

A lumpy mattress is bad enough, but an old, lumpy mattress can cause long-lasting damage to your back.

So rather than tossing and turning deep into the night, make an investment in a mattress that’s designed for your needs.

How Do You Choose the Right Mattress?

Take “The Goldilocks Approach”!

Too firm a mattress, and it will push against your pressure points, causing misalignment. Too soft a mattress, and it may cause your body to sink in, causing bad posture. Your new mattress should be firm enough that it keeps your spine aligned, but still makes you feel like you’re floating on air.

What if I Don’t Have the Budget?

If you’re money constrained, you might be worried about spending a significant portion of your savings on a mattress.

But keep in mind that a new mattress is not a luxury; it’s an investment. Think about it, you spend nearly half your lifetime just lying around in bed. So it stands to reason that you should have something that offers better comfort and less pain.

Buying the Right Mattress!

For your mattress, go with a brand that’s known for quality, like Nolah Mattress or Idle Sleep, and use coupons from to save on your purchase.

And before you use your new mattress, stretch! And ask a chiropractor about sleeping positions that are better for you. Take the right steps to ensure that your back stays protected and you sleep happy.

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