Sure, it’s a cliché. But the New Year is in fact a great time to leave the past behind and say hello to a new you!
Leaving last year’s negative experiences in the past, it’s time to make 2020 the year in which you excel—personally, professionally, and emotionally. Here are five things you need to get started!
1. A Better Sleep Schedule
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead” is not a healthy mantra—no ifs, no buts.
You might be able to convince yourself that 4–6 hours a day is enough rest for you. However, studies show that getting 7–8 hours not only decreases your risk of contracting heart disease and diabetes, but also helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
So this year, instead of staying up late at night, scrolling through social media news feeds, try going to sleep before 11 if you have to wake up at 6 in the morning.
Also, if your mattress is the reason for your lack of sleep, change it. While mattresses are thought to be expensive, you can find plenty of affordable products by using coupon codes and promos from Ragingcoupon. We offer discounts for Idle Sleep, SleepOvation and Nolah Mattress.
2. A Better Work Atmosphere
Has employee morale taken a hit at your workplace? Don’t contribute to this culture!
You might think it’s perfectly fine to yammer on about the hardships of your work life with your colleagues. However, focusing on the negatives won’t get you anywhere.
Even if things aren’t as rosy as you want them to be at work, try not to make the situation worse. Instead, try your best to bring people out of this funk. Talk to the management about taking steps to boost employee morale. Plan outdoor activities with the team, or go out to lunch or dinner from time to time so you all can relax.
The circumstances won’t change overnight. But they will eventually if you actively contribute to making things better.
3. Time for Self-Care
Self-care isn’t just taking spa breaks and having expensive meals while someone waits on you! Cleaning your home, cooking a meal, treating yourself to a cookie (or five!) for a job well done—it’s about the little things that get you through the day.
Practice healthy habits and calm yourself down during high-pressure situations. Take a breather so you don’t feel overwhelmed. A little kindness toward yourself goes a long way.
4. A Wardrobe Cleanup
Instead of wasting your money on more things for your wardrobe, purge it. Switch to a capsule wardrobe that only stocks must-haves, and donate everything else to charity. While it’s nice to have a lot of things, it’s a disservice to yourself if those things are gathering dust.
And when buying anything that catches your eye, ask yourself whether you really need it. And give yourself a practical answer. You’ll be surprised by how much money you save just by resisting your impulse shopping habits.
5. A Planned Vacation
You may want to hold off on that trip to Paris—instead, just go to the next state for a change of scenery!
If you have money and the means, it’s fine to plan an all-out vacation. But if not, backpacking to the mountains, going for a hike, simply taking time off and cutting yourself off from social media—all of these things will help you feel more relaxed. You’ll cherish this time because you’ll be giving your mind, body, and soul the comfort and rest they need.
Bonus: Ragingcoupon offers coupons for Turnkey Vacation Rentals if you’re planning a trip!
Are You Ready?
We’re already one month in, so start planning your year now.
By the time 2021 rolls around, we want you to be a better version of yourself!