For companies that rely on on-site management to get work done, it can be challenging to cope with the immediate work-from-home policies that were implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nevertheless, if you’re dedicated to making sure your business stays afloat, and dare we say, grows during these times of uncertainty, how do you achieve that?
While it’s manageable to handle one person working from home, it’s an entirely different scenario when it’s the whole company.
For that, Ragingcoupon has some tips that we’ve implemented as well!
-Encourage the Work Schedule
There needs to be a business as usual atmosphere set in place. Encourage people to take breaks and work hours as they usually would during their office time. Keep communication open by using Slack or iMessage, updating these platforms with new info whenever there’s a need. And maintain a timetable. Remote work can sometimes cause low productivity because people spend too much time taking breaks and working long hours. Discourage this behavior.
-Use VOIP Connectivity to Stay Connected with Your Clients
Apps such as VoiPLy are internet-based, and allow you to connect your hardware to a modem. This lets you make voice calls and monitor all outgoing calls. A lot cheaper than cellular or regular phones, VoiPLy is a convenient and handy way of making calls to employers and clients. Ragingcoupon offers VoiPLy promo codes, so purchase the app today!
-Help Technologically-Challenged Employees
Don’t expect everyone to know what to do. Even simple tasks like connecting a computer to a modem or adding a proxy can be challenging for people. And for those working remotely, the adjustment is frustrating enough. So assist your employees in any way you can and use video chat so you can see what the problem is yourself.
-Remind Your Employees to Find a Healthy, Productive Space at Home
A productive workstation at home should not involve a set-up on one’s bed or the corner chair in the living room.
For those who are working remotely, encourage them to find a space away from family rooms. Invest in noise-canceling headphones and supply your employees with them. And provide guidelines on what their workspace should have. A comfortable chair and table set-up works well. Otherwise, your employees will start complaining of body and backaches.
– Provide and Ask for Feedback from Your Staff
This is a trying time for most of us. So let your employees know that you are there for them if they’re having a tough time transitioning to work to home. Praise them for doing their assignments well, and try not to overwhelm them with excessive work, even if you have deadlines. Remember, working from home is difficult. Don’t make things harder for them.
We’re In This Together!
While the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic, we must all do our part in being more supportive of each other.
So do your best to support your staff and encourage them to stay indoors. We will get through this.