Some Easy Tricks for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Scientists and doctors recommend eight hours of sleep for a healthy life. Good sleep and a healthy sleep cycle are two of the key indicators of a person’s health. A lack of sleep can lead to a number of medical conditions, both physical and mental.

On the other hand, fixing your sleep schedule can help you control—if not completely get rid of—stress, headaches, mood changes, and weight problems, among many other health problems.

Apart from serious medical reasons, people often experience bad sleep due to a number of internal and external factors. These influences can be detrimental to sleep, and are often overlooked or not considered to be serious.

So today, we’re going to talk about these factors and how you can make some lifestyle changes to prevent their harmful impact on your sleep. Let’s dive in.

Daytime Naps and Shortening Nap Times

Power naps are crucial for increasing daytime productivity; they give your brain some much-needed time to relax and reboot.

However, many people make the mistake of taking naps that are longer than the recommended period (i.e., 30 minutes). Daytime sleepiness and long naps not only affect brain functions, but also impact your nighttime sleep and its quality.

If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, stop sleeping in the day or reduce your napping time.

Bright Light and Limiting Exposure to it

Light and sleep are linked closely; bright lights at night can have a negative effect on your sleep. This includes using a laptop, mobile phone, and watching TV, as doing so can trick your circadian rhythm into thinking that it’s daytime, leading to a loss of sleepiness.

Increase your light exposure during the day and add a dimmer in your room for nighttime. Warm lighting before bedtime is ideal for fixing your internal clock and sleeping right.

Sedentary Lifestyle, Mattress Quality and Exercise

People working in an office or at a desk often face sleep problems due to back pain that’s caused by bad sitting posture. To improve your quality of life, try exercising more. A simple evening run can make all the difference for your back and your sleep—as exercise also improves quality of sleep.

Another reason behind increasing back problems and sleep disorders is the quality of your mattress. While bad quality mattresses can lead to you waking up tired, the right mattress can help you fall asleep quickly.

Invest in a good mattress and get a discount on your Nolah mattress with promo codes from Ragingcoupon. To know more, get in touch!

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